Passing thoughts on fate, destiny, and things that never happen anyway.
I discern a sense of uncertain tension in the air. As though nothing is predetermined, and yet the risk of events taking on a life of their own is more acute now than it has ever been.
It's probably nothing, because, as many say, "nothing ever happens".
And yet things do happen. All the time. Small and medium-sized things that make a ripple in the collective consciousness for a day or two, and then are quickly forgotten.
Yet those seemingly insignificant things add up over time, and they methodically nudge the window of possibilities in ways dangerous and unforeseen.
A powerful American military force is converging on a prospective battlefield; an ancient battlefield, where many seemingly invincible armies — and the kingdoms that sent them — have encountered historic calamity.
FYI: Over the life of this blog, a few generous people have pledged some money to support it. But I have never required a paid subscription to read my stuff. And I still won’t. However, I have now “enabled” subscriptions purely as a means by which, if people are so inclined, they may support me with whatever amount they so choose. I also include a “Tip Jar” link in every post, if you’d like to go that route. But you don’t have to if you don’t want to. It’s purely voluntary. Everyone will still be able to read everything I write.
For all of you who have previously pledged to support this blog, I express my genuine gratitude. I hope my writing has been informative in some small manner and aided you in your quest to understand our crazy world a little better.
— Will Schryver
TwitterX: @imetatronink